Mine Dewatering & Depressurisation

Address the risk of unexpected water or pressure related issues during mining operations.


Mine dewatering and depressurisation are separate yet interlinked technical topics

In simple terms, dewatering is the evaluation of water management requirements (inflows, water control and removal) to provide safe and / or workable floor conditions for excavations or mining operations developed below the water table. Depressurisation is focused on pressures and triggers for pressure development which might impact geotechnical slope performance and design requirements.

Hydrogeological understanding is fundamental to both, and a background and experience base in geoscience is highly advantageous due to the need to understand complex geological and structural pathways, groundwater storages and interactions between them and the excavated void. This is especially the case in fractured rock terrain where pathways and pressure response can be highly variable and difficult to predict.


An understanding of geotechnical and mine planning needs are important considerations, and experience in the selection and deployment of pumping infrastructure and the development of specialised water control or management strategies are frequently required in final application development.

Our experience includes design, implementation, performance monitoring, water management and water strategisation, and interactive design with other elements of a mine design. Dewatering bores, horizontal drains, injection bores for disposal of water, scheduling and location definition, are all important considerations.

hydrogeological impact analysis Service GWA
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Our commitment to professionalism extends to interactions with other important skills sets such as engineering and mine planning to optimise design and operational outcomes.

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Ground & Water Australia prefer in the field operations to complement design and performance recommendations.

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